[CQ-Contest] "Worked Before" stupidities

Walter Deemer kn4t at gate.net
Tue Jan 6 11:23:43 EST 1998

At 01:55 AM 1/6/98 EST, K7bv wrote:

>On my Contest DXpeditions, I generally do exactly
>what <ON4UN> does and work the suspected dupe just in case we got our wires
>crossed earlier.  I would hate to have someone miss my mult or Q due to a
>possible mistake on my part. 

Dennis -- You have just entered my personal Contesters Hall Of Fame.  Bless you.

I am going to lose two Zone 9 mults in the CQ WW because two hotshot
operators who should know better insisted, Sunday afternoon, that I was
already in their log.  C'mon, guys; I can screw up a call -- but a whole
mult on Sunday afternoon?  (They, of course, lose just one of their
gazillion QSO credits in the process, so it means little to them.)

Operators who insist on coming back to any responses within a couple of khz
of their operating frequency are especially at fault in this regard.  (It's
amazing what you can hear sometimes using wide filters!)


73, Walt, KN4T (ex-AC1O)    Proud Member of THE Florida Contest Group.
WWW: http://www.4w.com/deemer; amateur radio, news, weather & financial info. 

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