[CQ-Contest] Re: [wrtc96 79] Re: Any news on WRTC 2000???

LondonS smlondon at lucent.com
Tue Jan 6 12:08:36 EST 1998

On Jan 6,  1:07pm, Steve K7LXC wrote:
> In a message dated 98-01-06 12:42:26 EST, jerry at ut4uz.isf.kiev.ua writes:
> > Is there any news on WRTC-2000???
> >  Just curios, since I'm going to move...
>      Yes! The WRTC2000 will be held in beautiful Slovenia and sponsored by
> Tine, S50A, and all the contesting boys. Here's a tentative schedule from
> Tine:

Thanks for all the great information Steve !  I have been looking forward to
WRTC-2000 since the conclusion of WRTC-96 !

Can some help me with the correct pronunciation of:

Ljubljana  ?
Postojna  ?

It's embarassing when the XYL asks me what the capital of Slovenia is, and all
I can do is point to a map !

73 and HNY to all
Steve, N2IC/0
smlondon at lucent.com

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