[CQ-Contest] RE: "Worked Before"

Ramirez, Kenneth EXCH KRAMIREZ at intermedia.com
Tue Jan 6 16:35:27 EST 1998

I find the following extremely effective for SSB contests.
 When a station calls me and it shows up as a dupe I tell him,"
"W1ABC we worked at 2346 zulu. Please check your log. QRZ N4UK"
I can't recall anyone ever calling me a second time and saying "I 
checked my log and you are NOT in it."
Most of the guys that call in as dupes are not contesters  and aren't 
using computer logging.
Yeah, I know, why not just work them again and get it over with? I 
just hate to have dupes in my log.
73 Ken N4UK


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