[CQ-Contest] CW QSY Format Proposal

ROBERT WANDERER aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us
Sun Jan 11 09:14:01 EST 1998

Seems unduly complex to me, especially if the station you're
trying to move has no idea of what you're talking about because
he's a newbie or didn't read the rules in depth, etc.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just ask QSY 21030? And the other station
would say R or 21055 OK? Alternately, use some of what you propose
without numbering the bands, as in QSY 15R30 or QSY 15XX.

Unlike previous contests where I was asked to QSY, the other station
actually was about where they indicated. Maybe the bands were open,
I don't know; but I got very angry in other contests when I *perceived*
that I moved and the other station didn't. I think that, unfortunately, the
NAQP doesn't seem to attract too many newbies. Very, very few of the
calls were "new" calls. Most were the calls of well-known contesters such
as yourself (and myself, at the risk of immodesty).

I think you have the kernel of an idea here.

73, Bob AA0CY Douglas County, Nevada

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