[CQ-Contest] Re: 30 metres

Dale Jones K5MM ddjones at nas.com
Sun Jan 11 15:25:17 EST 1998

 Hello Paul Paul:
 Obviously you're welcome to your opinion and operating style, but just
 because someone asks you for a ZONE....you want to be an jack-arse and
 not give it to him ???

 Why would you not give the guy a zone number?????  That's why guys get
 on bands....to achieve something THEY want to achieve, and then  
 you force him to abide by YOUR strict operating style?????  I think
 that's a bunch of BS, and I'm not trying to flame you OM.  Just stating
 my opinion.  

 Doing things like looking for WAZ, WAS, WAC, DXCC, working guys with 
 one's own call sign suffix, doing any of the above in 1 year or WHATEVER
 general operating activity is GOOD for the guys doing it, and GOOD for
 the WARC Bands, and GOOD for ham radio.  Where in the hell does it say
 the ONLY activity allowed on the WARC bands is BS'ing????  God, maybe
 that will attract the pig-farmers !!

 YOU can play by your own set of rules yourself.....and you can even
 impose YOUR style on others who work you, but if that includes not
 giving some guy you ZONE, I believe you to be WAY OFF BASE.

 By the way, speaking of BS'ing, you might consider looking at some
 CARF or ARRL books on what "BK" means, and then consider the suggested
 QSO you have included in your posting.  There is a PROPER style for
 sending the QSO back to the other operator, and in the context of your
 message to XX1XXX, it's not "BK".

 Hope you are not offended OM, because I do respect your right to operate
 as you choose so long as its legal, moral and ethical, but you ought to
 consider the other guy too, when he's doing something that's legal,
 moral and ethical -- and GENERALLY ACCEPTED !!
 Dale  K5MM

   ( original message from Jim Nipper )

At 04:19 PM 1/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
At 11:34 AM 1/11/98 -0500, James Nipper <jnipper at southeast.net> wrote:
With all due respect to those who wish contesting activities to raid our
cherished warc bands, I for one hope that we can keep the warc bands
free from the qrm of contesting. Surely we non-contestors should have a
small refuge from contesting. 

This message is not to be viewed as anti-contesting, just a statement
that there are many of us who cherish the warc bands and hope to keep
them as they are...

     (Response by VE1DXf)        <snip>

I agree 100%.  I am both a contester and a DXer.  I do not want to see
*any* contesting expanded to include the WARC bands.  However, I think the
original post was just suggesting an "Activity Weekend" or similar on
30-metres.  That is a good idea.  It promotes activity on an under tilized
band.  There doesn't have to be any contest style exchanges, etc. No
scoring or competition.  Just a gentleman's agreement that says "during
the weekend of XXXXX, I'm going to be active on 30-metres."  Being active
can mean chasing DX or rag chewing with the guy in the next state or province.

My understanding of the intent of the original post was to get more dits
and dahs on 10.1 MHz, not to start up a contest.  Unfortunately some of us
made the incorrect assumption that increased activity would lead to a
contest.  Not so.  Anyone who asks me for a zone or a serial number on 30
meters is wasting their time.  They'll get "ZONE?  NO ZONE BUT UR 56N 569

73/DX Paul VE1DX

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From wallace offutt <woffutt at davinci.netaxis.com>  Sun Jan 11 23:35:24 1998
From: wallace offutt <woffutt at davinci.netaxis.com> (wallace offutt)
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 18:35:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: More NAQPs
In-Reply-To: <34B9291A.6914 at eci.com>
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.980111170543.27118A-100000 at davinci.netaxis.com>

On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Robert L. Shohet wrote:

> Would like to see this contest 4x per year each mode like the CD parties
> used to be (only these are MORE fun!).  What do you think guys?  How
> about holding this contest in Jan, Apr, July and Oct?
> 73
> Bob KQ2M

The above comment was posted to the 3830 reflector today.

I think Bob has something here and it's worth discussing.  

No doubt there will be as many opinions as subscribers to the reflector,
but IMHO, what is needed is one or two more CW NAQPs and no more Phone
NAQPs.  I am reluctant to disrupt the phone bands any more than we already
do and I do not personally feel the need for any more phone contests.  I
enjoy CW contests at least twice as much as phone contests and I suspect
that the majority on this reflector would feel the same.  And since the
Internet Sprints, which were CW only, have apparently died, there is a
crying need for more code contests. 

The dates for any new CW NAQPs would need careful thought to avoid
overlapping with existing events, holidays, etc.  But looking at the
calendar, I don't think there is a major CW event from the end of ARRL DX
CW in mid-February through WPX CW in late May.  That's over three months! 
Early April, as Bob suggests, looks like an excellent time to add another
NAQP (maybe we'd have to adjust it occasionally to avoid Easter). 


Hal W1NN


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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