[CQ-Contest] Portable Generators - Be careful

Dale Jones K5MM ddjones at nas.com
Mon Jan 12 13:18:27 EST 1998

 Howard, W3CQH, asked about 'generators' for AC power.  His posting is
 at the bottom of this message.

You must be VERY careful when purchasing a generator.  They are all as
different as bicycles, tools, and ham radios.  You may purchase
very good to excellent ones, and then you may purchase junk as well.
In the case of generators, for example:

1.	The output voltage and current waveforms can be anything from
	a square wave to a sine wave, and sometimes come with a DC offset
     as well.  Oftentimes they have big time voltage spikes or waveform
     notches as well.  Asymmetrical waveforms, ac/rf noise, etc. are 
     a major problem.

2.	Electronic equipment will react differently to different voltage
     wave forms.  The 'best' generators are of course more expensive,
     and come from the better manufacturers.  Onan and Generac tend
     to have very good reputations.  Kohler is in there too.  If you
     are considering a 'cheap' unit, be extra careful !!

3.	Voltage regulation is an important issue to consider too.  Most of
     the cheap generators are not very good at voltage regulation.

4.	Frequency regulation w.r.t. motor speed and separately w.r.t. 
     output load is also an important consideration.  Radio equipment 
     generally wants to see 60 Hz in this country.....and the cheap
     generators are marginal at best in this important area.

5.	You ought to consider getting a generator that operates on Propane
     or natural gas, rather than gasoline.  You can use bottled gas, just
     like your outdoor Bar-B-Q uses, or just plug your fuel line into 
     your home natural gas line at home.  MUCH better solution for 
     backing up your home  AC power, runs cleaner, etc.

6.  I think you live in the Bell Atlantic telephone area.  There is a
    group at each phone company that has done some thorough evaluations
    of many generators, and you may be able to get a copy of their   
    summaries.  It's a perspective worth looking at, even though they
    tend to purchase very high end equipment.  I would be cautious
    about asking Cable TV companies for an opinion on generators, 
    because they often base their decisions on COST rather than

 I don't know if the WWW has any summary information in this stuff, but
 both Onan and Generac have some very good applications note.  They've
 probably got a web page too.

 (Note: I have NOTHING to do with phone companies, Onan, Generac, Kohler
  or any generator manufacturer)

 Good Luck, 73
 Dale K5MM

At 12:44 PM 1/12/98 EST, you wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I am interested in purchasing a portable AC generator for mostly HAM use in
>the field, and I have a couple of questions.
>1] are all the generators that I see advertised by the large hardware
>companies the same except for the power rating?
>2] are there any specifics that I should be aware of that I don't want in a
>Howard W3CQH
>CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
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