[CQ-Contest] motivation for ARRL M/S rules?

TOMK5RC TOMK5RC at aol.com
Wed Jan 14 22:31:27 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-01-14 20:27:38 EST, k4oj at ij.net writes:

<< .....it takes a running of any contest to find how someone as creative as
 the contester can "push the envelope" - before someone thinks that they
 have actually torn it!

As one of those who "pushed the envelope" in the 70's and 80's, it was deemed
that M/S in ARRL DX Tests should be as close to one radio as possible. That's
how we got the M/2 category, for small groups who want to operate a "limited
M/M," which is what the CQ M/S category really is. Confused??? As as was just
said, everytime we screw with the rules, we make two more problems than we

Tom, K5RC/7

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