[CQ-Contest] New computer

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 18 15:43:49 EST 1998

  Hello all,
  I just order a new computer YEAH. I have have to use the old computer 
in the shack Yuck! My question is I need to get Ham software for the old 
computer( the computer for the shack is a Compaq 100mhz pentium 16 meg 
ram 1.8 gig hd 4x cd rom) I am going to use TRlog for contesting (Tree I 
will send you an order soon) I would like to ask for reccomdations for 
logging software for general QSO's. I want to be able to easily convert 
TRlog logs to the general log also I work TEN TEN and paperchasing on 10 
meters ( for those who don't know what this is it is kinda like a 
continual contest on 10 meters).
  The shack has a Kenwood 940 I have a if 10b for the rig but need the 
cable from the rig to the computer. I have heard that the MFJ cable has 
problems so I think I need to use the one from the makers of Prolog. 
  I know I'm going to need extra serial ports but there has already been 
a thread on that subject sio I will check that out in the archives.
  I have aa AEA PK 232mbx for a tnc so I will need software for packet, 
any reccomomdations for this also will be welcome
   I'm goin to send this to the contesting reflector also so I can get 
more input on the subject.
  I know I've choosen the best contest software as I downloaded both 
TRLog and CT to see which I liked better CT NEVER worked and I like the 
suporrt that Tree and George give for TRLog
  Thanks in advance 

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