[CQ-Contest] NAQP Rules

Hans Brakob k0hb at juno.com
Tue Jan 20 09:43:08 EST 1998

Tom wrote:

>Just a gentle reminder. The NAQP is a BAREFOOT contest. It is
>very obvious when a station is 20-30db louder than anyone elese
>in their region, that they forgot to turn the amp off.

This brings up an interesting question.  What if you're not "in" 
the contest, but casually "giving points" for an hour or two?  Is
it then OK to run above the contest power limit?  I will admit to
running my amp during the CW NAQP, and gave out perhaps 50 contacts
as I was tuning the band looking for DX band-countries.  Didn't 
keep a contest log (or submit one), but I suppose a casual observer
would judge me "illegal" (significantly louder than others in my region).

Any feeling about this out there?  

73, de Hans, K0HB

  Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien.
  (A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog)

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