[CQ-Contest] NAQP Rules

Bob Patten n4bp at bc.seflin.org
Tue Jan 20 18:33:47 EST 1998

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Chad Kurszewski WE9V wrote:
> IMHO, if you know the rules, follow them, even if not submitting a log.
> As far as power, it's nice to park 1.8 kHz away from another 100W NAQPer,
> but not so nice if he's running 1500W.
Right, not submitting an entry gives one the right to bury in QRM all those 
who are?   NOT!

				   ,'' '',
     Bob Patten, N4BP              ( 0 0 )               Plantation, FL 

                         E-Mail: n4bp at bc.seflin.org
              Web Page: http://wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de/~n4bp
                     Brass Pounder BBS: (954) 472-7715       

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