[CQ-Contest] CQ WW 160 CW logs/window

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 21 23:03:00 EST 1998

Well its almost zero hour for the CW section.  Hope everyone is ready.

Please note that its important to keep the Dx window clear (1830 to 1835)
and THAT includes the EDGES.  Stay off 1830 or 1835.  ONLY Intercontinental
QSOs should be made in the window.  Maybe 5N0MVE, PY0FF, H44MS, N5OLS/KH8 et
al will be worked by many more stations.

Logs can be sent to me at FCC or call book address (hand written, computer
printout, or if you will send me a diskette..3.5" please!! all I need is the
summary sheet and the dup list.  Be sure there is a .log or.all on the diskette.

I also accept e-mail logs at cq160 at contesting.com (TNX Bill W4AN).  I want
the .sum, .dup, .all or .log.  On e-mail don't waste time sending the .bin.
I find its best to attach these outside the e-mail.  If you are on MSN I may
ask you to send another address especially if you can put the .all or.log
into a word 6 or 7 document.  I will try to e-mail back to each of you a
receipt that may contain further instructions.  Please be patient and
remember the first attempt is logged as the log receipt.  I did have 2 or 3
that did not respond last year.  As W7GG and N7DD will tell you I bend over
backward to get your log as valid as possible..we all have problems with
this great tool called a computer!

73 and GL

Dave K4JRB  CQ WW 160 Contests Director

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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