[CQ-Contest] two-radio score reporting

Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Tue Jan 27 15:14:51 EST 1998

> I'm in favor of reporting the number of band changes for all single
> operator stations in all contests. It should take only the proverbial
> "few lines of code" to implement the report, and it would add a very
> worthwhile dimension to analysis of the results. It would settle the
> debate over identifying two radio participants, and allow all
> participants to draw their own inferences from the statistic.

Exactly.  I believe the correct answer is not more *categories* but
more *information* in the writeups.  I believe one of the reasons the
CW Sprint is such a terrific success is that it doesn't have any
categories.  The line scores show score, total QSOs, QSOs by band,
mults, QTH, and power level.  There's no need for a single band
category because it's self-evident from the line scores.  There's no
need for a low power category because it's self-evident from the line
scores.  And have you ever noticed that there is no one petitioning to
add a packet assisted category?  That alone is worth kharma points.

--Trey, N5KO

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