[CQ-Contest] Work 'Em Dupes...

Laurence Mason laurence at lsil.com
Wed Jan 28 19:18:11 EST 1998

What would be really interesting is to contact the people after the
contest who you have logged as dupes and determine the cause.

Is it - as we all assume - that they do not have a good dupe sheet or
is it a busted call through reading errors, typing errors etc? Does it
appear as if two stations were on the same run freq? Is there a
geographical trend or band trend lf vs hf (qrn/qrm/skip)?

Now that so many stations are available by e-mail it should not be too
difficult to contact a fair proportion of the dupes and ask for log
extracts around the time of the qso's.

I think that this would make a very interesting article for ncj / cq
contest. If the results show that the problem is not a dupe sheet one
it might demonstrate that dupes should always be worked because the
previous 'contact' has not appeared correctly in the log.

Do we have any volunteers from those who always work dupes to do some
follow up / analysis?

Laurence G4HTD

laurence at lsil.com

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