Trey Garlough trey at kkn.net
Thu Jan 29 17:12:29 EST 1998

> I  wonder how many would be subscribing to QST if it was not part of
> your dues. I think the only exception  is if you are blind.  As life
> member it is already paid for you just got to live long enough to get ur
> money's worth.  

I signed up for the ARRL life membership around 1980 or so when it was
still 20 years at $12/year.  Back then I paid the $240 strictly to get
the magazine, and I didn't care about any of the other stuff.  My
priorities have changed a bit and my interest level has gone down and
up since then, but I still look forward to receiving QST most months
and enjoy looking through it.  Even during my inactive years in
university I enjoyed receiving QST if for no other reason than to
follow what was happening in the ham radio world.

On the other hand, I've never been able to bother myself to subscribe
to CQ.  Go figure.

--Trey, N5KO

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