[CQ-Contest] Play'n Hard To Get

Doug Richardson ve5cma at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 30 13:23:40 EST 1998

Interesting chat on the reflector has dealt with who is ‘hard to get’ 
during sweeps. This got me interested, and being an accountant I could 
not resist playing with the numbers for some analysis. Hence, the 
following list of Sweeps Sections ranked from toughest to easiest, based 
only on the phone sweeps of November 1996 (latest data available). The 
listings rank each section by the number of reported QSOs logged in 
each. Also included is the number of stations who submitted logs, the 
zone in which the section is situate, and the percentage the QSOs in 
that section represent of the toal Qs in the contest. (Note: any and all 
who swept in 1996 owe VE8EV a beer). 

Note also, that a new section was added in 1997 and there is talk of 
three new ones in 1998. (Including one, I think, WHERE NO ONE LIVES.) 
Obviously, new sections would be wild cards in a new contest but would 
probably elbow a few others out of positions near the top of the ‘hard 
to get’ list.

A more valid result would incorporate a smoothed average over a longer 
set of contest results. If someone has a copy of previous SS results for 
phone and or CW, I could pursue some trend analysis too (this is what 
accountants do in their spare time).

Rank	Dist	QSO Count	Stns	Area	Percent
1 	NWT	180 	1 	CAN	0.03%
2 	 PR	746 	3 	4 	0.13%
3 	YK	754 	1 	CAN	0.13%
4 	 DE	1,085 	5 	3 	0.19%
5 	MAR	1,185 	3 	CAN	0.21%
6 	PAC	1,329 	3 	6 	0.24%
7 	 AK	1,358 	3 	7 	0.24%
8 	PQ	1,430 	8 	CAN	0.25%
9 	NNY	1,480 	8 	2 	0.26%
10 	MB	1,505 	1 	CAN	0.27%
11 	SK	1,961 	4 	CAN	0.35%
12 	WY	2,323 	7 	7 	0.41%
13 	 VI	2,384 	2 	4 	0.42%
14 	SD	2,447 	8 	0 	0.44%
15 	 SC	2,448 	11 	4 	0.44%
16 	 SF	2,519 	11 	6 	0.45%
17 	WMA	2,800 	4 	1 	0.50%
18 	ON	2,934 	14 	CAN	0.52%
19 	 ME	3,088 	8 	1 	0.55%
20 	 MS	3,096 	8 	5 	0.55%
21 	ND	3,150 	3 	0 	0.56%
22 	NV	3,370 	4 	7 	0.60%
23 	BC	3,448 	7 	CAN	0.61%
24 	 MT	3,499 	5 	7 	0.62%
25 	 VT	3,705 	8 	1 	0.66%
26 	 SD	3,883 	11 	6 	0.69%
27 	WTX	3,936 	6 	5 	0.70%
28 	UT	4,098 	11 	7 	0.73%
29 	 SB	4,276 	12 	6 	0.76%
30 	NB	4,279 	10 	0 	0.76%
31 	 NH	4,527 	9 	1 	0.81%
32 	 IA	4,660 	14 	7 	0.83%
33 	AB	4,760 	7 	CAN	0.85%
34 	NLI	4,810 	23 	2 	0.86%
35 	NFL	4,919 	12 	4 	0.88%
36 	SNJ	5,021 	22 	2 	0.89%
37 	 RI	5,087 	12 	1 	0.91%
38 	 OK	5,185 	17 	5 	0.92%
39 	SFL	5,322 	19 	4 	0.95%
40 	WV	5,413 	13 	8 	0.96%
41 	IA	5,420 	18 	0 	0.96%
42 	EWA	5,451 	9 	7 	0.97%
43 	 EB	5,511 	12 	6 	0.98%
44 	KS	5,511 	18 	0 	0.98%
45 	TN	5,726 	13 	4 	1.02%
46 	 KY	6,068 	17 	4 	1.08%
47 	 AR	6,207 	14 	5 	1.10%
48 	EMA	6,522 	26 	1 	1.16%
49 	 LA	6,702 	10 	5 	1.19%
50 	 GA	7,144 	17 	4 	1.27%
51 	OR	7,623 	15 	7 	1.36%
52 	 AL	7,757 	13 	4 	1.38%
53 	ORG	7,903 	19 	6 	1.41%
54 	AZ	7,927 	25 	7 	1.41%
55 	 CT	7,942 	29 	1 	1.41%
56 	MS	7,954 	22 	0 	1.42%
57 	IN	8,038 	25 	9 	1.43%
58 	WI	8,259 	27 	9 	1.47%
59 	NNJ	8,334 	32 	2 	1.48%
60 	 NM	8,435 	10 	5 	1.50%
61 	SJV	9,102 	20 	6 	1.62%
62 	WPA	9,866 	20 	3 	1.76%
63 	EPA	9,980 	39 	3 	1.78%
64 	LAX	10,283 	22 	6 	1.83%
65 	CO	12,791 	22 	0 	2.28%
66 	WWA	12,868 	33 	7 	2.29%
67 	ENY	12,927 	36 	2 	2.30%
68 	MN	13,272 	27 	0 	2.36%
69 	WNY	13,566 	47 	2 	2.41%
70 	SCV	13,688 	28 	6 	2.44%
71 	 SV	14,647 	20 	6 	2.61%
72 	 NC	15,726 	36 	4 	2.80%
73 	MDC	16,430 	38 	3 	2.92%
74 	NTX	17,733 	33 	5 	3.16%
75 	OH	19,296 	64 	8 	3.43%
76 	 VA	20,832 	63 	4 	3.71%
77 	IL	22,605 	68 	9 	4.02%
78 	STX	23,394 	52 	5 	4.16%
79 	MI	27,978 	87 	8 	4.98%
Total:		561,818 	1,464 		
Ave/Station:	384 			

VE5CMA Doug Richardson
3226 Tufts Bay East
Regina SK  Canada  S4V 1V2
voice (306)789-2254
internet: ve5cma at hotmail.com
73 es TTFN de VE5CMA

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