[RE: [CQ-Contest] State QSO parties]

BOB KRESSIG kressig at usa.net
Fri Jul 10 21:49:08 EDT 1998

owner-cq-contest at contesting.com wrote:
> At 01:17 PM 7/10/98 -0700, Tree  N6TR wrote:
> >
> >
> >I also agree with the idea presented by K5TR to consolidate the QSO 
> >parties to a small number of weekends.  I have often thought that 
> >having an Oregon QSO Party would be best timed on the same weekend
> >as the California QSO Party.  Wonder how people who are sponsoring
> >well established QSO parties feel about this.
> >

How are you going to log these?  
Everyone keep separate serial number lists for each contest?
Do I have to send two reports, one for each contest?


Bob Kressig, WB0NSA
kressig at usa.net

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