[CQ-Contest] Contest IDing

Hill, Russell C. margoh at compuserve.com
Thu Jul 23 21:16:44 EDT 1998

I personally find it infuriating when a running station does not send the
call of the S+Per he is working , just "59xx QRZ...59xx
QRZ...59xxQRZ...etc."  He may have my call in his log or someone one or two
skips away, but I have no idea.  He thinks he knows who he is answering,
but obviously does not care if I or any one else knows.  Rude, dude.  He
gets an artificially inflated rate,  but everyone who attempts to work him
is left wondering.
If I can't get him to give my call back to me, he is not in my log.  If I
am in his, then maybe he winds up with a bad Q.

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