[CQ-Contest] Re: [TowerTalk] mounting barrel connectors

Lee Hiers, AA4GA aa4ga at contesting.com
Sat Jul 25 19:41:23 EDT 1998

On 25 Jul 98, Mike wrote:

> >Couldn't you get a 1/2 inch drill bit to do the job fairly 
> >reasonably?
> >
> I think the hole dia. needed is 5/8" but I could be incorrect.
> Mike...NO6X

Oops!  I imagine you're right, 1/2" is the RG-8 diameter.  Substitute 
5/8 for 1/2 in the first paragraph. 

My bad! 

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers - AA4GA
Cornelia, GA
mailto:aa4ga at contesting.com   

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