[CQ-Contest] equitable plus!

Spencer Lazar slazar19 at sgi.net
Fri Jul 31 15:41:51 EDT 1998

At 10:29 AM 7/31/98 +0008,
George K6GT wrote:
>working really hard to keep the bad EU ops under control... each qso 
>worth at least 6 points.  the worse the op, the higher the score.  (i 
>personally would LOVE to have the experience of an unruly pileup of 
>EU's calling me!!)
>whattaya think, Dr. Bafoofnik?

Well George...

Glad you asked, I like your idea, maybe we can get KH2D to make a
6 pointer lid list (worldwide) which could be incorporated into
a super lid partial search. If people are going to guess who they
are working, might as well let them guess a six pointer. Also while
we're giving six points for lids don't forget to give yourself six
points when working me and my friends.

It always seems to never amaze me that these introvative suggestions
always benefit the innovater. As much as I consider ZD8Z one of the
worlds premier operators let me make an innovative suggestion of my own.
Since Jim is louder than most statesiders at my qth and probably at your
qth also, statesiders should really count as zero pointers for him.

Just to show I'm fair and even handed, lets give Jim three points
for all his ZD8 Q's.

dr. Bafoofnik,

You haven't walk a mile, till you walked a mile with the other guys

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