[CQ-Contest] R.S.G.B. 7MHz CW Contest 1998

Tom Wylie wylie at scotsboy.sol.co.uk
Sun Jun 7 22:55:04 EDT 1998

It now appears that all the logs for the above Contest have been lost in the
post between the Log Entry point and the adjudicator.   Despite an
investigation by the postal authorities they have not turned up after 7

This is the first time this has ever happened, and although we live and hope
that the logs will eventually turn up, never-the-less we are asking that all
entrants re-submit their logs.   Computer disks can be resubmitted as normal
to G3UFY or e-mailed direct to me at gm4fdm at scotsboy.sol.co.uk

Paper logs can be resubmitted to G3UFY as normal.

The Contests Committee apologise for this, but you must appreciate that it
is outwith our control.

Unfortunately it is unlikely that this information will reach all of the
original entrants but I would ask all newsletter editors reading this
message to promulgate the information as far and as wide as possible.
Unfortunately due to magazine lead times, it is likely that if we wait until
say 4 weeka AFTER the information is published, the results will not be
available till next year.

We realise that the situation is endesireable, but it has not happened
before so there is no point in flamming me or any member of the Committee.
It is totally outwith our control and has taken us unawares.   However, it
has concertrated the minds in ascertaining new ways of submitting Contest

Anybody who submitted an original log who wants any further information or
clarification of any matter please feel free to e-mail me.

in the meantime

73 de Tom - GM4FDM

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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