[CQ-Contest] The last TOEC WW Grid Contest?

Gunnar Widell ERA Gunnar.Widell at era.ericsson.se
Mon Jun 8 10:08:01 EDT 1998

The upcoming weekend, 13-14 of June, the TOEC WW Grid Contest will be
This might be the last, if the number of recived logs not improves.
Since there is no South American Contest, you will probably find all the
South Americans here instead.. :-)

The rules if brief:

This weekend the SSB event is held. CW will be in August.
The contest starts Saturday 1200 UTC and ends 1200 Sunday.

Exchange is RS + Grid Field/Square identifier, i.e 59 JP80. (two letters
(Grid Field)+ two figures (Grid Square))
Ask a local VHF'er for your Grid if you don't know...

Each Grid Field (JP, KO, EM etc.) worked gives 1 multiplier per band.

The N6TR logprogram supports this contest.
Choose:  TOEC

Logs can be send via e-mail:
TOEC.contest at pobox.com

For complete rules, turn to the TOEC homepage:

SM3CER Contest Service

CU in the contest!

73 de Gus, SM3SGP
Gunnar.Widell at era.ericsson.se

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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