[CQ-Contest] Annual W3LPL Open House Saturday Jun 20

Frank Donovan W3LPL donovanf at erols.com
Thu Jun 18 18:35:09 EDT 1998

One of the largest gatherings of contesters and DXers on the east coast is
just two days away: Saturday June 20th from noon til ??? at W3LPL in
Glenwood MD.
CJ's BBQ will be ready to go at noon as will N1IS (N1 I Scream) and his
ice cream truck.  We're expecting at least 200 guests from all over the US
and at least one overseas guests too (Ali -- A61AJ).

If anyone still needs directions, send me an msg at 
donovanf at erols.com

Of course, guests and families are very welcome; more and more family members
show up every year.
Please come prepared for warm weather, in the upper 80s.
73,  Frank
donovanf at erols.com

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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