[CQ-Contest] Antenna Electrical and Physical Modeling

Bill Cotter bcotter at pop.uky.edu
Sun Mar 1 12:36:01 EST 1998


I think your idea of a forum and repository for models is a great
idea. Please consider including the little known Yagi Stress
antenna modeling program (YS).

This little jewell cost approximately $50 (8/15/97 ver 1.0) and is
available from Kurt Andress, NI6W. Kurt applies the theory and
design principals from Dave Leeson's Physical Design of Yagi
Antennas to your modeled yagis. It calculates all the element and
boom stresses, wind loads, balance and weights, etc. I have used it
extensively to design and build my monoband yagi antennas.

I'm not sure if Kurt is in the sole business of supplying this
software or not. I was directed to him by Brian Beezley, K6STI. I
can sy that his product is well worth the $$

Kurt Andress, NI6W
(702) 782-6788 (work number, ham calls OK)
(702) 267-5290 (home)



At 01:01 PM 2/25/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'd like to get in touch with amateurs currently using K6STI's
>software, particularly AO, NEC/Wires, and TA. Purpose: to exchange
>information regarding most effective use of the software, swap
models (I
>have several to offer), and in general start an informal
discussion group
>going to hopefully raise everyone's level of effectiveness using
this very
>powerful software. I am sure that I am not scratching the surface
when it
>comes to making best use of these tools.
>Anyone interested, please reply direct.
>Steve Zettel  KJ7CH
>near Libby, MT USA
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|                                                                  |
| Bill Cotter, Manager of R&D          Mail:   bcotter at pop.uky.edu |
| Communications and Network Systems   Pager:  (606) 259-6082      |
| Parking Structure 2, Room-4, 0198    Phone:  (606) 323-6474      |
| University of Kentucky               FAX:    (606) 257-9400      |
| Lexington, KY 40506-0198             Home:   (606) 887-5563,2402 |

|                                                                  |
| Bill Cotter, Manager of R&D          Mail:   bcotter at pop.uky.edu |
| Communications and Network Systems   Pager:  (606) 259-6082      |
| Parking Structure 2, Room-4, 0198    Phone:  (606) 323-6474      |
| University of Kentucky               FAX:    (606) 257-9400      |
| Lexington, KY 40506-0198             Home:   (606) 887-5563,2402 |

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