[CQ-Contest] North Texas Contest Club Mtg Tues. 3/3
Jay, WX0B
wx0b at arraysolutions.com
Sun Mar 1 13:56:02 EST 1998
Actually, I will be presenting "A study of Stacked Yagi-Uda Antennas".
Topics discussed and modelled with software will include.
1. Stacks of 1,and multiple Yagis. Gain, patterns, and how boom lenght
and spacing effect Gain and Pattern.
3. 40M Stacks of shorty 40s vs. 3 ele full size array.
4. Beaming in multiple directions from a Stack.
5. Stacks of Tri-banders. Using a C3 model supplied by F12. (and yes
they aren't bad at all in a stack)
All topics will be displayed and backed up by using Antenna simulation
software based on NEC2.
I have been working on this for quite some time and I think it may make
a good article for the NCJ. There were some surprising results that I
didn't know about before. Hope to see you there.
Oh yea, I will have the StackMatch there to put an end to Bob's rumors!
Jay, WX0B
Robert Naumann wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 3, The North Texas Contest Club will
> continue it's monthly meeting schedule with a great program.
> Jay, WX0B will demonstrate and explain his newest "StackMatch" design.
> The newest release is rumored to incorporate a new high quality G10 circuit
> board with 50 ohm impedance throughout. It also is rumored to work up to 6
> meters! Come see it and ask Jay any questions you may have.
> We will also discuss the recent operations of club members and compare
> scores in the WPX RTTY, ARRL CW and CQ 160 SSB contests. We'll also discuss
> plans for ARRL SSB next weekend.
> If you're from the Dallas / Fort Worth area, or just visiting on business,
> the NTCC would be glad to have you visit this Tuesday evening.
> Details:
> NTCC Meeting Location (20 min from downtown Dallas just west of the Tollway
> off LBJ Freeway) @ Midway Tower, 4230 LBJ Freeway (on the south side of LBJ,
> about 100 yards east of Midway), 4th Floor, Suite 420 Conference Room.
> Enter building at North door. Doors are locked at 7:45, so be prompt!
> Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday March 3rd.
> Prior to the meeting, a Dutch treat dinner will be (and is always) held at
> Purdy's (burgers, chicken, salads etc. - very reasonable) at 4812 Beltline
> Road in Addison. It is located on the southeast corner of the intersection
> of Beltline and Inwood Road. The dinner gang usually gathers between 6 and
> 6:15 p.m.
> Any questions ? Contact N5NJ via packet or N5NJ at cqww.com
> Robert E. Naumann
> N5NJ at cqww.com
> also V26RN, ex KR2J, W6V, WA2OVE
> Plano, TX USA
> --
> CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
> Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
| ARRAY SOLUTIONS | Jay Terleski email: wx0b at arraysolutions.com |
| WX0B | http://www.arraysolutions.com |
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
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