[CQ-Contest] Locate a Commercial Aircraft in Flight

Fred Laun K3ZO aalaun at ibm.net
Tue Mar 3 17:13:10 EST 1998

Not exactly contest-related, but I thought it might interest some on this

Let's say you're listening on your aircraft radio and hear a particular
aircraft ID himself.  If it's a commercial aircraft, N6CZG has pointed out
to me that you can get that flight's current actual location at the
following website:


Note that scheduled commercial airliners ID with their flight numbers, not
their aircraft tail numbers.

Also useful if you want to see the instantaneous progress of a flight which
someone you are to pick up is on.  Then you know exactly when you have to
leave for the airport.

Sorry, it only works for airliners whose departure and arrival points are
both within the continental USA.

73, Fred   

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