[CQ-Contest] What to build in a new shack???

Dale L. Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Wed Mar 4 00:12:16 EST 1998

I think the ham is going to move the equipment more than Mother
Nature will.

>From a lifting/moving standpoint, I think it would be better to
have the heavy stuff (e.g., amps, power supplies, etc.) at
desktop level and lighter stuff above and below.

Years ago,  I had to remove my Alpha 76A from the upper shelf of
my desk.  I had to stand on a chair to lift it down to the
desktop, then I stood on the floor and lifted it easily off the
desktop and carried it out to the car.  That lifting from the top
shelf was a killer.
I'm sure it didn't do my back any good.

dale, kg5u

>I would think carefully about putting big heavy objects, amps
and such,
>on shelves above other equipment. Of course I live in earthquake

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