[CQ-Contest] Is "Log /QRP" part of callsign???

TOMK5RC TOMK5RC at aol.com
Wed Mar 4 20:06:42 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-04 17:35:09 EST, ddjones at nas.com writes:

<< Jim:
  The correct response to your last sentence.....in two words.... is HELL NO.
  Any reasonable ham radio operator knows that /QRP is not part of ANY call
  sign throughout the world.  It is just additional ruffage that in fact is

I agree, Dale. A number of years ago, the FCC told the boys operating "/1P1"
from Pelican Island (Galveston, TX) that, once you properly signed your call,
you can put anything after the "/" that you want to. Since then, I do not
acknowledge anything after the "/" unless it is indicating a genuine
reciprocal license. 

When I operated mobile a lot, the /QRP helped me cull out folks that I knew I
would not be able to copy with the ambient mobile noise level.


Tom, K5RC/7

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