[CQ-Contest] 160M SWL- summary (long)

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Thu Mar 5 22:56:38 EST 1998

Thanks to the operators who sent comments and advice.
My question had been to illustrate the many fine signals heard
in ZL, but the difficulty in making a 2-way.
These replies are just great!
Martin ZL1ANJ

>I was one of the operators at WR8C. You are in our log. 
Thanks: Jim K8MK

> I'm always amazed you can hear anything at all on 160 during 
> your summer, but I know your summer QRN isn't nearly as bad
> it is in North America.  Anyway, I wonder how high your dipole
> is.  If it's not 40M or more up, it's probably not radiating well
> at low angles.  A low dipole may hear well enough, as long as 
> there's not a lot of high-angle QRN.   The problem is that while 
> a 10 dB attenuation of just about everything on receive doesn't
> hurt the S/N, that same attenuation on transmit may drop your signal
> into the noise.  Unless you can get the dipole up very high, a
> modest vertical or inverted L will probably get out better,
> though you will still want to use another antenna for receiving.
> I've been using a 23M shunt-fed tower on 160, with good results.
> That in spite of only a dozen short, crooked radials on my
> 18 by 36 M lot. Our 1500 W is an S-unit above your 400, of course.
Thanks: Scott  K9MA

> Several of the station you list appear to be deaf .. I was not
> hearing anything from ZL on my short Beverages but very often I
> would hear half a dozen Europeans calling the "big guns" but they
> were not replying .. Just continually CQing .. I did talk to
> several mid section station who said the QRN was extremely bad
> there.  I am sure everyone appreciates the efforts you guy put in
> attempting to add the multiplier.
Thanks: Charley W1TE

> I had a 30 over 9 noise which turned out to be the mylar balloon
> I was using to hold up the transmitting antenna.  It was static
> charging and the antenna was radiating the noise to the beverage
> and dipole.  The noise was 5 over 9 on the beverage!  I took the 
> balloon down on Sunday and the noise level on the beverage that
> night was s-1 to 2 !!   Sorry!
Thanks: Chuck KZ5MM

> Yes that WB9Z signal is a real crucher here also.
> My S Meter was pegged most of the time from his Illinois watts.
Thanks: Bob N5RP

> Thanks for the mult and QSO in the 160 ssb contest.  
> My 160 equipment is:
> FT-1000D ,  AL1500,   160' series fed base insulated guyed tower
> with 120 radials using  30K of buried  wire.  No other antennas
> on the tower,  just switch networks at the base of the tower
> for 160  or  80/75. With this antenna on 160, I have confirmed
> 265 countries and 39 zones on 160 since 1985.  For receive during
> our winter months, I put out 6 - 8 temporary beverages ranging
> from 600' to 2000'.  I can leave up two 1000' beverages,  one east
> and one west the whole year. Will you be on for the ARRL DX contest
> this weekend ?  If so can I set up a sked with you ?
> Also can we do 80 meters ?  I have a 3 element rotary on 80
> and we should be able to make it at your convience.
> Martin thanks again and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks: Jerry WB9Z

> Sorry to read your rather disappointing 160 Meter report.  However,
> I can agree with everything you say!  It's not only the ZL's 
> they can't copy ... but they can't even copy Stateside signals!! 
>  I've worked (or tried to work!) the ARRL 160 Meter Contest for 
> several years now, but it's more frustration than anything else, 
> answering 20 over 9 stations calling CQ, and they keep right
> on CQ'ing in your face!! However, the strangest thing to have
> happened, is I answer the weaker stations, and get the exchange the
> first time!  Seems MOST of the big signals are all mouth and no ears.
> However, during the ARRL DX CW Contest, I was operating from K4OJ,
> and had one of the most amazing 160 Meter experiences I've ever had.
> Glad to hear the ZL gang was there trying ... it certainly wasn't
> your fault they didn't hear you! And I'm glad you posted callsigns!!
Thanks: Ron WD4AHZ

> I was operating from  Vail with 100 w to an inverted L. I was amazed 
> that many of the same stations you list were very strong here but
> when I called them it was like I was transmitting into a dummy load.
> My local noise level on 160m is 59 so anyone I heard was well over
> S9. I heard some of the stations you heard mention they had a bad
> noise level. My best DX was WB9Z who was relatively easy to work
> compared to the other 24 QSOs in 13 states.
Thanks: Phil N0KE

> Many thanks for the information that you actually heard my signal
> during the above contest last weekend. There were several stations
> from the east coast that I could hear which could not hear me so I
> gather you were having the same problem in ZL hearing the
> N.A. boys. By the way I have never worked ZL on 160!!!!
Thanks:  Ron VE7NS

> I read your SWL report for signals during the 160m contest on the
> reflector.  As one of the VE3DC contest group members let me say
> that CERTAINLY WISH WE COULD HAVE HEARD YOU because we would have 
> loved the mult!
> For the record we were using an Icom TC735 rig to an Alpha 76A
> running about 500w.  Antenna was an inverted-L with the vertical
> portion about 70ft up and then straight out to another tower we
> have on our contest site just south of Hamilton, ON.  It has about
> 60 radials from the base out.  Point any of your antennas at us on
> July 1 for the RAC contest, we will be hopefully loud and proud!!!
Thanks: David VE3STT

> I am pleased you heard my signal in ZL at 0650Z on 1814.6.
> At the time, I was still listening for Europe on my Diamond 4 sq
> array and that most likely explains why I did not hear your call.
> We usually hear ZL BEST at our sunrise time of 1110Z, though,
> and not at your sunset.  The path then is noisey here with no
> grayline enhancement at our end.  You, however, are listening into
> approaching darkness at that time on an essentially quiet band.
> The noise at your end usually picks up several hours AFTER your
> sunset. The grayline works in curious ways - you hear US best
> at your sunset - and we hear YOU best at our sunrise.
> I have worked ZL at your sunset over the years - eg: ZL3GQ, ZL2SQ,
> ZL2BT, ZL2JR - but under excellent and much quieter conditions
> on our end. This past weekend yielded PUNK condx, with S9 +10-20DB 
> static crashes - with few breaks in between.
> So I am sorry I could not hear you.  It would have taken a miracle
> on my side - thank you vy much for trying though!
> My location is on an "island" off of Cape Cod, Mass. with direct
> saltwater takeoff in all azimuth headings and I am using a gain  > antenna with 6.8Dbi forward gain over a single inverted L,
> with 30-35 Db front to back and makes things vy quiet off the back
> when I am listening to Europe.
Thanks: Jeff K1ZM


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