[CQ-Contest] Two contests within a contest?

Jose R. Hierro ea7kw at arrakis.es
Sun Mar 8 10:03:21 EST 1998

>"DX0DX... contest"
>(W6 garbled...)
>"W6.. 59 kilowatt"
>(roger its W6XXX 59 Cal)

>XX0XX is spending one more 'over' in confirming the call, and DX0DX is just
>the W6XXX assume that he got the call right, and is shortcutting the
>process of 
>making a QSO. In fact, is he even MAKING a contest exchange?? He NEVER
>gives the callsign of the station he is working!

QSO's made under that style are not valid. You should confirm to the other
station his call sign if it is not read properly the first time, letting him to
assure the correction.

This unfair bad pratice is heard very often. Those op are most new contesters. 
But sometimes are well known guys who are not DEQ by the contest committee 
in spite of denunciations.

Let's see another usual situation:

"DX0DX... contest"
(W6 garbled...)
"W6XYZ 59 kilowatt"
(roger its W6XXZ 59 Cal)
"X  thanks   DX0DX..contest"

DX0DX only says the corrected letter "X" instead of the full call or full 
suffix at least.
Is this guy playing fair ?
73 de EA7KW/EH7KW

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