[CQ-Contest] Contest exchange

W7XU Arliss w7xu at dtgnet.com
Tue Mar 10 17:47:19 EST 1998

Speaking as someone whose contesting is primarily of the VHF/UHF
variety, most of the exchanges that have been described here
would not count as QSO's on VHF.  In particular, with meteor
scatter both stations have to copy both calls, a signal report,
and acknowledgement of the report before you have a valid QSO.
And at least in this region, the same standard is applied to
VHF/UHF contest exchanges.

It's interesting that what constitutes a QSO seems to be band

With the above said, I'll have to admit to slipping into the
HF mode occasionally when running stations on 160, but it gives
me an uneasy feeling and it doesn't seem right.

73,  Arliss  W7XU
w7xu at dtgnet.com

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