[CQ-Contest] GO subliminal

Scott Robbins srobbins at usit.net
Tue Mar 10 21:52:21 EST 1998

I'm only rabid about contesting for CW but spent some time calling
CQ during the ARRL DX contest this past weekend and would like to
share my "reverse" operating tips for the casual SSB contest operator.

Anyone that responds to my CQ with something intelligent like 
"Bravo Lima", didn't get a response.  Some of them were really loud.
I just called CQ again.  "BRAVO LIMA".  Call CQ again.  The third
CQ, the guy says his entire callsign, which I repeated back with
correct phonetics with the signal report.  This happened over and
over again.  Since I have no desire to win or participate seriously
on SSB, I am more than happy to take the time to subliminally pass
along the message that YOUR ENTIRE CALLSIGN is the desired operating
method for SSB.  

My other favorite activity on SSB is figuring out what contest ops
are not signing their callsign, and then happily NOT working them.  
You make me wait for your callsign on one band, I'm not going to work 
you on another.  8P9P, V26B, P40W (among others) never made me wait 
and I was willing to wait patiently to work them if needed.  
The wretched ones will remain nameless...and without QSO in my SSB 
contest log.    

Where's Bafoofnik when you need him?  I feel flesh burning....

Scott Robbins, W4PA 

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