[CQ-Contest] Frequency theft

Jim George, N3BB N3BB at easy.com
Wed Mar 11 06:41:45 EST 1998

As a kindred spirit to your problem (here at N3BB/5 in Austin), my
suggestion is that you go public with a blatant action like you mntioned.
Self-policing is the only way I can suggest to deal with the problem.  If a
guest op here is reported to be doing that from this station, I will take
actions. This in fact has happened.  The same thing probably will happen
for a guest op at a large east Coast Multi.

73, Jim

>I see ON4UN and another DX operator noted in the SSB contest something that
>bothered me in the CW one two weeks ago.  To wit, the blatant theft of run
>I understand the operator who honestly believes a frequency is open - can't,
>because of the skip zone and QRM, hear the other operator already using it.
>And I understand how changes in propagation can make a frequency that
>sounded open from W0 end up useless due to the loud W2 who'd been there for
>But in the CW test, on at least three occasions at least 3 hours after
>sunrise (i.e., the band was fully open at both locations) a LOUD East Coast
>station would land dead on a run frequency I'd been using for at least 10
>minutes (in one case, 2 hours) and could not be persuaded to leave.  After
>going 5 minutes without a QSO (not for lack of DX callers -- but I just
>couldn't copy the DX callers through the wall of East Coast sound) I would
>have to go elsewhere.

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