[CQ-Contest] GO subliminal

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 12 03:46:17 EST 1998

>Anyone that responds to my CQ with something intelligent like 
>"Bravo Lima", didn't get a response.  Some of them were really loud.
>I just called CQ again.  "BRAVO LIMA".  Call CQ again.  The third
>CQ, the guy says his entire callsign, which I repeated back with
>correct phonetics with the signal report.  This happened over and
>over again.  Since I have no desire to win or participate seriously
>on SSB, I am more than happy to take the time to subliminally pass
>along the message that YOUR ENTIRE CALLSIGN is the desired operating
>method for SSB.  
  I try to use my complete call in contests, but having a 2x3 cal it is 
hard if not impossible to get my call in befire the CQing satation 
starts calling CO again. Sometimes if I say my call as fast as I can ( 
with no phonetics) I can just get it in but not allways. I listen to see 
what can of calls he is answering, if he is coming back to calls that 
use just the last 2 letters then I do the same "Juliet Xray" if he 
answers me then I send my whole call phoneticly and keep at it till he 
gets it right. Sometimes I have to use Kilo Charlie 5 Alpha Japan Xray 
to get the J across.
 I just follow the rest of the pile up to get through. Some of these big 
guns or experience contesters are use to working 1x2 and 1x3 calls and 
they don't give some of us newer guys with the longer calls time to get 
it done right so I have to do what works. But I always make sure they 
get the call right before I give them my exchange.
  I don't mean to flame anyone but it seems that some get so caught up 
in run rates that they keep trying to go faster and faster to get the 
rate up, and I can understand that but it is like running 45+ wpm on cw, 
not all can work at that speed. I not suggesting you slow down your rate 
but leave a extra second or 2 between CQ's and or QRZ's for those of us 
with the longer calls to get our call signs in.

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