[CQ-Contest] Phonetics and complete calls

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Mar 12 10:58:12 EST 1998

I agree with the following except "correct phonetics."

>Anyone that responds to my CQ with something intelligent like 
>"Bravo Lima", didn't get a response.  Some of them were really loud.
>I just called CQ again.  "BRAVO LIMA".  Call CQ again.  The third
>CQ, the guy says his entire callsign, which I repeated back with
>correct phonetics with the signal report.

if given with complete call letters "bravo lima" are the accepted phonetics.
Of course you can use commom place names like Boston London too.

I remember Jack HB9TL was on a trip thru the Pacific Islands several years
ago working 17 meters and he kept asking for complete calls..ignoring those
who sent partials or the infamous "last two" letters.  Finally some one kept
calling with "Quebec Papa"...Jack asked if the station was actually assigned
"Quebec Papa" as their call.  No more calling from that station for awhile.

I find that when I operate from my IOTA location that many call with only
two letters.  This actually slows down the Q rate....Give complete calls and
let the Dxpedition, IOTA, or Dx station answer in the fastest manner.

73, Dave K4JRB

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