[CQ-Contest] Packetcluster suggestion

Patrick Barkey pbarkey at gw.bsu.edu
Thu Mar 12 09:32:39 EST 1998

At the risk of increasing the burden on a packet system that in many
parts of the country is already at the breaking point during contests, let
me offer the following suggestion for packetcluster/contest software:

To address the problem of "junk" (e.g., busted call) spots on the network
during contests, I suggest there be a

DX/correction  frequency  bad-call  shouldbe-call

command, or some such.  The exact format/syntax could be worked out
by the software authors.  [Perhaps only node sysops could use it, plus
possibly the original spotters?].

The contest software would need to intelligently process this kind of
posting (e.g., remove the bogus spot from the announce list).

The current practice, of generating a new spot that simply says
"correction," doesn't work, because the bogus spot still shows up on
everyone's announce list.

   -- Pat

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