[CQ-Contest] RE: [YCCC] losing run frequency

Ralph Bowen rbowen at iglobal.net
Fri Mar 13 02:03:34 EST 1998

Reminds me of a phone Sweepstakes incident from K5RR in the sunspot low
of the mid-80's.  On Sunday afternoon 20M was the only game & it was
wall to wall.  Stumbled across a group finishing a phone patch and
bemoaning the fact they will have trouble keeping the frequency clear
for their next patch in two hours.  

"Hey guys - this is K5RR  -  I'm running a KW & stacks east & west - 
I'll keep it clear  -  just jump in when your ready for the next phone

One of the clearest frequencies I've ever had with a pack of
"phone-patch" guard dogs to chase off the guys who moved in too close. 
As promised, I reliquished the frequency when asked, with big time

See  -  contesters & non-contesters CAN co-exist!!

73,  Gator  N5RZ

Randy Thompson wrote:
> As bad as being on the net frequency is... the best place to be is just
> next to one.  Then you have the full resources of the net making sure the
> space between you and them is kept perfectly clear!
> Randy, K5ZD

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