[CQ-Contest] 2xc call sign etc (long)

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 13 04:26:33 EST 1998

 Well I got a lot of GOOD info from the replies and a few flames but I 
even found some gems in the flames!!
 First let me clear up one point I only used the "last two" when that is 
what I heard been sent to the CQing station and that is what he was 
coming back to. I have even heard a few DX stations running a pile up 
request "only the last two please". Well from now on I will send my 
WHOLE call. See guys I do listen er read your posts! HI HI
 Now on to what I have gleamed from this thread , correct me if I miss 
   I now understand that is when I send my call and when I unkey the 
station is calling CQ or QRZ then he is not ignoring me or my call is 
not to long he just doesn't hear me. 
    Solution Get louder. Can't I am running bare foot but I am going to 
errect a 70 ft tower and a TH6 as soon as the weather gets better and El 
nino settles down. I have gone to a Hiel Headset but I found out that I 
have the wrong element for contesting I have the HC-5.
  Another solution change my technique ie don't key up as soon as the 
other station says QRZ wait a second or two then send my call. Is this 
what is ment my tail ending? 
 Get a shorter call. Well since I now know the length of my call is not 
the problem and may be an advantage I can see that tis is no solution 
although by getting another call by upgrading is and advantage! Also 
gets me more room to operate ie more bands.
 What I'm trying to say is the group has shown me that it is my weak 
signal and inexperience that I is the real problem. Both will improve 
with time.
  THere were alot of excelent replies and I tried to cut and paste them 
in here but either I am doing something wrong or HOtmail won;t let me do 
  I would like to thank all who replied (yes even the ones that sent 
flames) but ther are a few that replied with such good info I would like 
to thank them here
  Doug KR2Q, Chuck KZ5MM, Ward N0AX  these rplies are Jewels and I will 
print them to refer back too.
I want to thank Jimmy KG2AU for reposting the message from Rob KS1A this 
post is goin on the wall on the shack so I can read it when I get 
discoured when 10 seems dead or when I just can't stand to listen to the 
code tapes again tryiong to pass the 13 wpm test. Yes I am a tech plus 
trying to contest just on ten with a 100 watts and a vertical. But I 
will get better and I will upgraded and be slugging it out wil the rest 
of you on 20 one day!!
 Well this has gotten loger than I had planned so I will end this
P.S. I remember that some one posted that I was young well to some of 
the OT I maybe be but for the record I'm 45 years old. But still a 
youngster in the contesting game HI HI

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