[CQ-Contest] Wisconsin QSO Party

JHFitzJr JHFitzJr at aol.com
Sat Mar 14 11:17:08 EST 1998

Don't forget. The Wisconsin QSO Party is this weekend, Sun 15 Mar 1800 til Mon
16 Mar 0100. That's right, only 7 hours. Get on for a bit and give out a few
QSOs to the many WI stations on the air. Work some of the rarer counties for
that coveted USA-CA award you've been working on. I'll be mobile from Sawyer,
Ashland, Price and Rusk. All bands, SSB and CW, the usual freqs. Detailed
rules in CQ and QST. There's also a web site which I don't have the URL handy,
but you can find it with any search engine. Thanx for the Qs.


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