[CQ-Contest] cqww log checking

Alan Kaul W6RCL alan.kaul at worldnet.att.net
Sun Mar 15 00:21:11 EST 1998

What a great service this is -- to make the info available to those who use
electronic logging.
And a reminder to those whom you work and don't put you in the log -- they
might have been anonymous in years past, but no more.  Now, we can find out
who omitted us from logs.  Unfortunately the lesson in this might be that
you can't trust the guy you work and have to log an insurance QSO or two
for zone/band/country.
Alan Kaul, W6RCL, LaCanada-Flintridge, CA
alan.kaul at worldnet.att.net
w6rcl at amsat.org

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