[CQ-Contest] Dayton Double Tree Hotel Reservations?
Tom Hammond
n0ss at sockets.net
Sun Mar 15 14:12:39 EST 1998
This was just forqwarded to me. THought it might apply to someone
here on the reflector.
73 - Tom Hammond N0SS
15 MAR - 1025 CST
I saw this posted on the local area contest reflector this morning. If any
of you going to Dayton this year have reservations at the Double Tree,
you had better check and make sure.
73 - Dick Isely, W9GIG
I saw this tonight on the Dayton Hamvention Web Page:
In case you have reservations @ the Double Tree...
Due to a system failure, reservations for the period of May 14-19, 1998 have
been lost at the Double Tree Guest Suites. Please call the hotel directly
with your confirmation number to ensure your reservation is re-entered into
the main reservation system. A confirmation number is required to re-confirm
your reservation. Contact Julie @ 937/436-2400.
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