[CQ-Contest] UBN solutions USA/USA QSO's

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca
Tue Mar 17 23:06:31 EST 1998


I think Dale's right in suggesting the stick won't work. I think he's 
also right in saying the carrot's a bad idea too.

I don't think the WW should go as far as ARRL DX (W/VE work the world but 
not themselves), but perhaps the solution of removing your own country as 
a mult for you is valid.

Of course, I'll grant that my viewpoint is tainted, since there are so 
many more of you (W's) than us (VE's) and thus impacts me less than you.

Either that, or live with the fact some stations (and if you know who 
they are, all the better) won't log you. Eventually, you'll get somebody 
who'll put you in his log.

None of this, however, changes the fact it's a violation of basic 
courtesy to not log you. 

Vindictiveness is never an option for reasonable people, but here's a 
thought. How would the Big Gun feel if, say, that one Idaho station who 
got on for SS decided not to log so-and-so (hmmmph! already have MDC) out 
of spite? Adios Sweep! Karma, perhaps?

73 kelly

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