[CQ-Contest] Re: UBN solutions USA/USA QSO's

John T. Laney, III K4BAI at worldnet.att.net
Thu Mar 19 09:08:42 EST 1998

Hello Jav:  If you are talking about the station who called the one
running, the usual reason is that he didn't figure out who he was
calling until after the QSO was over.  He thought he was calling a DX
station, but got answered by a US station, completed the exchange, and
decided not to log it because HE didn't need it for a multiplier.  He
assumes that the running doesn't need the QSO for a multiplier, but he
can't possibly be 100% sure.  
	This highlights the dual problem of running stations ID'ing too seldom
(not usually a US station problem) and the searching station dropping in
his call before he knows who is running on the frequency.  

				John, K4BAI.

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