[CQ-Contest] 1BN/UBN...confused!

Doug KR2Q DougKR2Q at aol.com
Thu Mar 19 10:58:49 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-19 00:20:01 EST, JP wrote:

<< In one place of the report FAQ, it states that you can compare
 your UBN rates to the averages of the top-10 in your entry category.
 At the same time, there is no UBN percentage listed anywhere in
 my summary.  There is UB and 1BN, but no UBN. >>

[the following comments are my own and are NOT intended or designed to be
interpretted as being necessarily representative of the views of the CQWWCC]

Typically, there is a table that is PUBLISHED in CQ-Contest Magainze (usually
December issue) that allows anyone to find out their PERCENTILE RANK (how you
did compared to everyone else).  The term UBN is a general descriptor used to
encompass both the ub and the 1bn rates.

In an upcoming article (guess which journal), I will discuss the relationship
between U, U+1, UB, and 1BN and investigate existing correlations.  A
percentile rank TABLE for each (UB and 1BN, individually) will also be listed.
Everyone will learn a lot!

Please be patient...Rome wasn't built in a day.  :-)

de Doug KR2Q

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