[CQ-Contest] Need Ideas Contesting Discussion at Dayton Youth Forum

N2GA N2GA at aol.com
Thu Mar 19 11:57:42 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-16 15:50:28 EST, you write:

<< I have been granted 10 to 12 minutes of time to address the Dayton 
 Hamvention Youth Forum regarding contesting.
 I am looking for ideas - how should this short talk be approached? >>

     I have been at the Dayton Hamvention Youth Forum the last couple of years
and the audience is mostly kids and their parents.   Many of these people have
never been exposed to contesting.
     You will have to introduce them to the basic concepts of contesting: what
is  contesting, why would someone want to contest, how does it benefit the
contester and the hobby in general.
     It is important to stress the fun one can have contesting, the people you
can meet, the goals you can set and achieve and the challenge.  It is also
important to emphasize that these things can be done with a small station with
low power.  That is the way most contesters start out and that is where
contesting's new blood will come from.
     At some point, I'm sure you'll want to relate some your vast contesting
experiences and the thrills you have had at big stations and/or exotic
locations.  The kids will be happy to hear that people will WANT to work them
on the air!   Also, don't neglect CW operating as most kids can pick this up
quickly and can see the fun of using morse code.
     Good luck - it's a nice opportunity and I'm sure you will be well
received!  Remember that 5 to 10 kids will probably speak AFTER you're done.
Last year a member of my club (LIMARC), 13 year old extra Matthew Karl KG2HV
had to follow an astronaut as the speaker.  Needless to say, the astronaut
wowed the crowd with his exploits in space.  Matthew then came on next in the
most difficult spot - right afterwards.  Luckily, he is a great kid and a good
speaker and gave probably the best speech of the day!   My point is that the
Youth Forum should emphasize the kids and if you could somehow let them know
that they are important and are the future of our hobby (and contesting), it
would be a great way to end!

73, George Tranos N2GA
Past President, Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club
Member of Order of Boiled Owls (NY) Contest Club
Operator at Contest Stations N2FF, K2KV and WV2LI

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