[CQ-Contest] Heil BM-10 headset problem

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 20 01:22:51 EST 1998

During the CQ 160 SSB contest I noticed the Heil headset (Yaesu with stereo
plug) started to act up.  At first with all the QRN/QRN I did not think much
about it, but later it was apparent the headset or the connector in the
Yaesu was acting up.  On the surface the signal seemed to break up, but
listening closely actually the sound was cutting off in one headset then the
other..then for a while both headsets worked.

I plugged the headphones into the ICOM and they worked OK. Sounds OK on the
Yaesu speaker.  I tried the other BM-10 (later model wired for ICOM) and
this exhibits the audio problem discussed many months ago on both the
contest and Fox Tango reflectors.  But except for the mismatch noted by hum
and the need to raise the audio gain these headphones worked OK.

Took the Yaesu apart and tested the jack wiring and its good...so where does
the problem come from.. any ideas/anyone with a similiar problem????

Dave K4JRB 

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