[CQ-Contest] Heil BM-10 headset problem

Steve Zettel zettel at homer.libby.org
Fri Mar 20 10:35:08 EST 1998

>I also have a BM-10 headset for my Yaesu FT-1000 and I think the audio

>Now with the "better" headset, I find the audio often sounds slightly
>distorted and as if there wes something loose on one of the speakers'
>cones.  VERY hard to isolate the offending crud sound.  In a single word
>about the Heil headset... "Disapointed"  Considering the fact that Bob Heil
>was a pioneer in the professional sound reinforcement industry (Large scale
>concert sound systems - pioneered quad sound audio for "The Who's,
>quadrophenia tour)  It seems strange that he is putting out such a cruddy
>sounding product.
>If more people would try headsets other than Heil, I'm sure they would find
>something MUCH better sounding.  The only problem to this story is the boom
>arm mic.  The HC-4 and HC-5 are good sounding mic elements and seem to
>match the modern rigs quite well.  The cost of those elements are quite
>high - I don't understand why.
>So... mic part great, headphone part stinks.
>... Bob, WG9L


Have you tried calling Heil and asking for service on the headphones? Seems
to me I remember a year or two ago a post by a ham who had problems with
the earphone(s) on his Heil similar to what you are experiencing and had
the problem promptly taken care of. It's worth a try.

I haven't noticed a problem with my Proset, but maybe I'm lucky. I prefer
it's audio for radio purposes to the limited population of other hi-fi and
comm headsets I have, but hearing is a very idiosyncratic thing. Certainly
haven't noticed any electrical or mechanical artifacts. My yearly hearing
tests are all in the upper 10th percentile for guys in their 40's, and,
I'll admit it, am a "recovering" audiophile.  8^)

Bob Heil also did much of the sound system for the Greatful Dead in their
touring hey-dey.

I wish they made the Proset with the ability to easily switch between an
installed HC-4 and HC-5. . . .

Steve "Old Dead-head" Zettel  KJ7CH
near Libby, MT

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