[CQ-Contest] Major Changes to Field Day Rules

W2CE W2CE at prodigy.net
Sat Mar 21 01:51:40 EST 1998

ARLB019 Major changes in Field Day rules

ARRL Bulletin 19  ARLB019
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  March 20, 1998
To all radio amateurs

ARLB019 Major changes in Field Day rules

Some new rules go into effect this year for Field Day. The popular
summertime operating event takes place each year on the fourth full
weekend in June. This year, it will be June 27-28.

A major change this year is the elimination of bonus-point credit
for packet and VHF/UHF contacts. Field Day stations no longer will
be allowed to count contacts via digipeaters, packet nodes, or
similar arrangements. Class 2A and higher Field Day stations still
may operate a ''free'' transmitter exclusively for VHF or UHF
operation (ie, above 50 MHz) without changing their basic entry
classification, but not for bonus points. ''It's better than bonus
points, and groups are likely to spend more time on VHF and UHF
because of that,'' predicted ARRL Membership Services Manager Chuck
Hutchinson, K8CH. As in the past, crossband and repeater contacts
other than via satellite do not count for Field Day credit.

Field Day stations now can earn point credit for digital (ie,
non-CW) contacts on each band. The phone, CW, and non-CW digital
segments are considered separate ''bands'' in the Field Day rules.
This means, for example, that you now may work the same station for
point credit on 40 meters three times: once on SSB, once on CW, and
once on RTTY, packet, or one of the 'TOR modes. SSB contacts count
one point, and CW and non-CW digital contacts count 2 points apiece,
so adding non-CW digital capability presents a real opportunity to
rack up substantial additional points. ''We're expecting an
interesting year because of the digital modes,'' Hutchinson said.

The complete, official Field Day rules will appear in the May
edition of QST. Basic Field Day rules have remained unchanged for
several years now. The new rules undoubtedly will generate a flurry
of computerized contest logging program revisions as developers
scramble to incorporate the changes into their software.

       73, Bob, W2CE


   Robert Reed, W2CE                        W2CE at prodigy.net
   1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109             W2CE at aol.com
   Toms River, New Jersey  08757


CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

>From GW4BLE" <GW4BLE at btinternet.com  Sat Mar 21 11:11:30 1998
From: GW4BLE" <GW4BLE at btinternet.com (GW4BLE)
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 11:11:30 -0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] GW4BLE in WPX SSB
Message-ID: <01bd54ba$19815b00$LocalHost at default>

After some 25 years of single op, I have decided to invite a few of
the locals around  (who have limited facilities themselves), to experience
the fun of running a contest from here.

OK, so it's not a *real* Mega-Station, but  I get out reasonably well !

We'll be Multi-Single, so if you don't recognise the voice (although I
will be operating myself part of the time), be sure to call in anyway!



CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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