[CQ-Contest] April CQ arrives

henrypol2 at juno.com henrypol2 at juno.com
Mon Mar 23 10:30:58 EST 1998

Another successful morning trip by the post office.  With spring finally
here, it's time to start thinking about warm weather activities.  So I
was glad to find a couple of fishing magazines in the box, and, almost
forgot.... the latest CQ.

Front cover photo of WS7W inside his shack.  The short writeup on the
Contents page provides no other details about his station or activities,
with the exception of why he is smiling.

Contest related items:  The 160 Meter Band, An Enigma Shrouded in a
Mystery - Part II; Another Look at the G5RV Antenna; Reviews - PATCOMM
PC-16000 HF Transceiver and MFJ-1798 Vertical Antenna; A Tower
Installation Design Failure; Results - 97 CQ WW VHF Contest; Contest
Calendar column - Monthly Contesting Tips, A CQ Anthology, Part I (what
happened to the survey results?!!); World of Ideas column - Keys, Keys,
and More Keys!; and Propagation column - Up, Up It Goes - Cycle 23.

Other interesting items: :-) Interference on Trans-Atlantic ESP Paths
(remember what month this is, :-) ; Radio FUNdamentals column - Amelia
Earhart and the Radio Amateurs; DX column - Visalia DX Convention; and
Washington Readout column - Restructuring the Amateur Service.

Special Note:  W4QRO called to say that the Big Gun Journal Vol. 2 is
just about ready to go out.  Stay tuned! :-)

Only 4 more days till CQ WPX SSB.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

"Trees are not for wire antennas only!"

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