[CQ-Contest] Help with Multi/Single rules for CQ WW SSB?

Herb Rosenberg herbr at netcom.com
Sun Oct 4 21:11:32 EDT 1998

Can I get a clarification on the rule regarding the Multi OP / Single 
Transmiiter Rule?  I have never worked M/S before, so I want to be sure I 
understand this rule.

The rule states:

>>> One-and only one-other band may be used during any 10 minute period 
if-and only if-the station worked is a new multiplier.

So, let's suppose that the primary transmitter starts the contest on 
20SSB.  Can the other transmitter go to 15ssb, and start 
working stations that are calling cq there, since each one 
at that moment (probably) would be a new multiple?  (new country or new 
zone on that band). And, then they (the multiplier station) cannot change to 
another band before ten minutes of operating, correct?  

Is that a correct interpretation of this rule?  

Are there any other nuances of this rule that are important to 
understand?  Any suggestions for a first time multi op single station to 
consider in an effort to maximize your score?

Thanks and 73.

Herb - KG6OK

herbr at netcom.com

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