[CQ-Contest] Re: [3830] W2A M/M CQWW Phone Results

J.P. Kleinhaus w2xx at cloud9.net
Tue Oct 27 12:43:25 EST 1998

QSX 7025 Bill wrote:

> Well let me remind you that we still have a category in this contest that
> doesn't include a packet network.  It's kind of like operating back in the
> old days when you actually had to go find multipliers yourself instead of
> relying on 500 other guys to find the mults for you.

Funny thing about packet, if you blindly call and log whatever comes
across the screen, you're almost guaranteed to score in the negative
numbers after log checking.  Please don't give me that old saw about
finding mults on our own.  We do plenty of that and don't need a cheap
shot from you in the bargain.
> If I hear a HUGE pileup on 75 meters, the guy has an Aussie accent, and
> is signing zone 29, I sure dont need his callsign to know I need to call
> him.  I don't think this is a new technique.  I think they call it common
> sense. 

As far as common sense goes when operating a contest (an oxymoron
you really should know who you're calling before you jump in there and
end up being so much more background noise to the rest of us who know
we're there in the first place.  Really, Bill, I expected more from you
that answer.  VK6APK *was* signing his call often, so there was no
for such obnoxious behavior...I don't know if you were in there calling
so don't take that last remark personally (unless it applies).
I don't call anyone without knowing who it is...I at least *attempt* to 
listen for a callsign before causing more pollution.

73, J.P. W2XX 

J.P. Kleinhaus, W2XX  (fdba AA2DU)
E-mail:  w2xx at cloud9.net

As we say in the software business:  "You are hosed."  

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